Dear Family and Friends:

It seems I am always talking to busy Christians. (Or trying to!) I think there’s something to be said for interpreting the “abundant life” as a full and busy life that is full of good opportunities. Just think of all the New Testament commands (in our signature is one) to “wake up,” “make the most of the time,” “take every opportunity.” What makes life full and meaningful are the opportunities and their significance. Followers of Jesus are urged to “make the most” of these opportunities. Like Jesus, we have opportunities to join God’s work. (John 15:5, Eph. 2:10) Like Jesus, we also have a deadline (Mark 13:33) and an outcome to which we may look forward. (Luke 12:42-48)

The year 2012 was one full of great opportunities.

In 2012, through God's providence via prayer and ministry partners like you, GMO:We are changing the “email” portion of our goals to "direct connections.*” So for 2013, our goals are:
• shared the gospel with 195,305,507 web visitors• Reach 200,000,000 visitors
• registered 26,169,717 indicated decisions for Christ• Register 30,000,000 indicated decisions for Christ
• received 2,693,921 emails• 3,000,000 direct connections
• recorded 12,528,725 discipleship visits. 

*Direct connections recognizes that people are connecting with us in more ways than ever. Not just via email but by chat and social media.

In 2013 we will continue to look for ways to track and improve our ministry's effectiveness. As our new Chief Operating Officer, Nick Runyon, said recently in a staff conference call, “we count people—because people count.”

Out of all those millions are some stories we'll never fully learn about this side of heaven. But the Lord sometimes grants us a surprise peek at some of the fruit of our labors, like this message I received from T in Vietnam, a contact I added to my reminder list for the weekly Bible study sessions many years ago:

“I have been doing well, God is good all the time. There were many things happened along the track, since I first contacted you 8 or 9 years ago, goods and bads, ups and downs, happiness and sadness. But up until this year, I am truly grateful and happy to say that things have been truly good, because God was there with me in good and bad, in up and down, in happiness and sadness, to show me how great He is. I have just posted in my Facebook recently, a lesson I've been taught along the years: “The good thing about being a child of God, is not that we would be troubles free, for being troubles free will spoil us, and it troubles free only exists in heaven; but the good thing is whenever there is trouble, we know where to seek help, how to find comfort, to have someone we can completely trust, to lean on, and to know that He is always there and we can be free from worries". 
Thank you for your encouragements! Many times, when I were feeling down or away from God, I saw your reminder and summary of the last Bible studies, I was rebuked and reminded that God wanted me back. Many times, those Bible messages have helped me to carried on and remember that I am a child of God. Now I know how much He loves me :)
Many blessings to you and the work you're doing. Please continue to bless many souls!”

We are more excited than ever about GMO’s ministry opportunities in 2013. We wanted to pass T’s thanks along to you, as your prayers and gifts make blessings to many souls possible!

Love, in Christ,


Mike & Cindy
One Day Closer! (Romans 13:11)